Elizabeth (Betsy) Hoody
Elizabeth (Betsy) Hoody grew up in northern Minnesota and earned a BA at the University of Chicago, where she studied political science and Russian language. Since graduating in 2006, Betsy has spent the last five years trying to blend her dual interests in Russian language and feminist activism. In 2006-2007, Betsy studied on a Fulbright grant in Russia, where she volunteered with a women’s rights organization that addresses domestic violence and trafficking. Upon returning to the US, Betsy worked at Global Fund for Women from 2007-2011, where she helped make grants to women’s rights groups in Europe and Central Asia. Betsy is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration at the Woodrow Wilson School in Princeton University. In her free time, Betsy likes to visit farmers’ markets, play ice hockey, read and write poetry, and talk about feminist movements to anyone who will listen. Betsy is passionate about resource mobilization for feminist movements and about multi-generational social movements; as such, she is excited to have served on the Advisory Committee for FRIDA.