Ariana is 31 and lives in Brazil. Currently, she lives in São Paulo, but has previously lived in Amazonas State and Paraná State for a short period. She graduated in International Relations and Foreigner Trade at the Universidade de Riberão Preto (UNAERP) and in 2015, she graduated in History – Latin America at the Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA). Ariana says she has always considered herself as a feminist because of the education she received from her mum, but it grew and became more fierce, along with many other women, in the beginning of 2011 when she started participating actively in the activities of the Women’s Council of Foz do Iguaçu. She has supported the gender and sexual diversity group of Maldita Geni, participated in the black women feminist front of UNILA and was a part of the Black women march 2015. Ariana also helped out with the development of an extension project called ‘Oficina Papo Serio’ that discusses beauty, gender, race and sexual diversity standards in public schools. “I like to think feminism from a black woman’s perspective, so I am interested in black, intersectional, and community feminism,” she says.