A Deep Unearthing: Finding our way back to the core
Over the last couple of years, FRIDA has turned to the metaphors of earth and water to help us bring focus to,
recollect, remember and weave together the stories that have shaped FRIDA’s work during this time. Earth
and water, as we have seen and experienced, offer us hard lessons as well as soft places to land, to rest, and
to heal. Of the many gifts borne of the Earth, perhaps the sharpest, and most generative, is that of fire. And
so it is this element through which we choose to speak about 2022 in the FRIDAverse. “I believe in the sweat of love and in the fire of truth” – Assata Shakur
Taking Flight: The 2022 FRIDA Grantee Partners
Our 8th call for applications in 2022, culminated in the induction of 98 new grantee partners from 57 countries and we are thrilled to not only welcome them to the FRIDA community but to introduce them and their transformative work to you. As you move through this zine, which is available in 6 languages, you will not only learn about the new FRIDA grantee partners and their work but also read love notes that they have written in gratitude to those who have voted for them in the participatory selection process.