Photo of the Month: July 2016

July #PhotoOfTheMonth

This month’s photo is a collage of the several learning visits that we have been fortunate to be a part of. FRIDA is proud to support over 70 young feminist groups spread over 5 regions in the Global South. We maintain our relationships with these amazing groups virtually but sometimes we get the opportunity to visit them in person and learn from their strategies and approaches. FRIDA team members recently visited several of our grantees and they all came back happy and more knowledgable about how we can best support their important work. We are inspired to continue supporting young feminist organizing and energized to strengthen the larger movement!

[Clockwise from top] FRIDA co-director Ruby with members of Radio Udayapur, Nepal; FRIDA Communications Officer Deepa with members of Youth Approaches to Health Association (YAHA) in Ankara, Turkey; and FRIDA MEL Officer Boikanyo with members of Copper Rose in Zambia (read more about this visit here).