Philanthropy How is FRIDA Ensuring Financial Transparency and Honesty? FRIDA is a fund for and led by young feminists who ardently believe that feminist…July 27, 2022 (updated September 2, 2022)
Advocacy Central, Southern, Eastern Europe and Central and North Asia Tales of Roma Women’s Resistance Reimagining intersectional feminist futures requires reflection, open dialogue, and an understanding of how our social,…July 5, 2022 (updated July 7, 2022)
Advocacy Abortion is a Human Right Abortions save the lives of those who need them. The practice of managing fertility predates the anti-choice movement,…July 5, 2022 (updated October 11, 2022)
LGBTQIA+ Youth Are Our Future & Our Present 🏳️🌈 History has proven that LGBTQIA+ youth across the globe have always found creative ways to…June 14, 2022 (updated September 2, 2022)
Philanthropy Money is political El dinero es político | L’argent est politique | Деньги политичны | Dinheiro é questão…March 23, 2022 (updated October 11, 2022)
Grantmaking Apply now! FRIDA’s 8th call for applications is officially open! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! FRIDA’s 8th grant cycle is now officially…March 17, 2022 (updated July 27, 2022)